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Ars Ikasia is the fruit

of a common dream,


the space that shelters

our passion

for art and design,


the stream that allows us

to share our labor.


Angélica Trejo & Silvana Verdini



Mother and daughter, we create

unique objects in clay and in paper,

charmed by the materials’ own natures

and by the expressive possibilities of line and color.

Our aim is that they will reach your hands

and you will integrate them with joy into your life.




My love for books was predestined: born in two different continents, my parents met in a bookstore.


I grew up reading beautiful novels, traveling through my imagination, drawing and cutting paper, as a daily pleasure.


I awoke consciously to art through my ballet training, taking joy in stringing together my body with my spirit. In search of my own voice, I eventually started to write, materializing reflections and stories that existed inside of me, and still emerge from the same fountain.


My appreciation of images and words led me to study Design and Visual Communication, through which I discovered, to my surprise, the loyal guardian of both through time: bookbinding.


Then I realized that my being’s expression had always flowed through my hands. That a book is the magical object where my fascination for aesthetics and meaning, for design, literature, and illustration meet.


Now I build my dreams around paper, wishing my designs and bindings will accompany and inspire you, in your own expressive adventure.





I have been drawing for as long as I can remember, instinctively, as a joyous need.


As a child, I approached art through painting and dancing. Later on, I chose as a profession another artistic discipline: architecture.


I came across ceramics in a dream, where I saw myself working with clay. At first contact, the real-life experience resounded deeply within me.


Unexpectedly, my passion for line, for space and color, blended in the practice of this ancestral art: art of the useful and the symbolic, of the quotidian and the transcendent.


Since then, I build with my hands objects in clay, shaping, delimiting an empty space. On their faces, I journey to discover one of the multiple possible relations between the surface, the tone and the trace, guided by a longing for unity and a search of sense. I do it to get to know, to feel the world and traverse it.


My ceramics are meant to evoke, to move and to spark happiness. They find their place when they become part of somebody else’s life.



© 2016  Ars Ikasia®| All rights reserved


 Photography & Design: Silvana Verdini



Mother and daughter,

we create unique objects

in clay and in paper,

charmed by the materials’

own natures and by the

expressive possibilities

of line and color.

Our aim is that they

will reach your hands

and you will integrate them

with joy into your life.